There are several ways to use our database. Once you find the therapist to whom you’re interested in connecting, reach out by phone or email. You can also see more information on the website they’ve provided.

  1. Search by therapist name.

  2. Use the categories section to search by location or training modality and see a list of therapists in your area or with that training expertise.
    ie. East Atlanta, DBT-PE

  3. Browse full database by therapist and click to see their information.

  4. Click on hashtags at the bottom of the page to find a list of therapists with specific qualities.
    ie. DBT individual adherent, multicultural, panic, trauma

If you’re unsure about what qualities or training experience you need, see our DBT Treatment page.

*DBTGA is based on the honor system. If you find any of the information to be incorrect, please reach out in the contact section so we can look into any differences in given information or misrepresentation. We strive to keep this page correct and therapists accountable.